Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Mole Conversions

I've been tutoring a lot of kids lately. One thing they've been having a little trouble with is mole conversions. I'm not talking about stoichiometry, I'm saving that beast for another post, but just the conversions between moles, grams, and particles.

I've found that a good approach is having a visual diagram with arrows. The more you leave the kids to figure things out and practice, the better they'll remember things. Here's my chart:

Thursday, February 21, 2013

blog a million

This a project I've been wanting to do for a while. I know that I've had many blogs over the years, but I do like chemistry and I've been meaning to find a way to organize my notes over teaching chemistry, interesting lessons, tutoring materials, and also just a hodgepodge of useful chemistry that I work with at home.

I hope anyone who stumbles across this blog will find it helpful, useful, or at the very least mildly interesting.